


Phone: 00351965587034 (for national mobile calls)

Important Note: Our customer service office is located inside the Sá de Bandeira Garage. As soon as you reach the garage entrance, please enter and go down to floor -1. Our office is on the left side as you descend. Thank you!

Visit us
Love-Scooter - Your Rental Motorbike in Oporto City.
Love-Scooter - The best way to discover Oporto City.
Our Team
The Love Scooter team is committed to providing our customers with the best scooter rental experience in Porto.
Our experienced professionals ensure safety and support so you can fully enjoy your journey.
Contact us
Adventures await! Don't wait any longer, give us a call or send an email to book your scooter and explore the beautiful landscapes of Porto.

Contact Form

Give us a call or drop by anytime, we endeavour to answer all enquiries within 24 hours on business days.

    Não há uma classe de carros selecionada no escritório atual. Por favor, escolha outra turma!